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ClimateTrade and Terrasos will jointly promote Voluntary Biodiversity Credits to boost Habitat Banks and promote the effective conservation of biodiversity
BH El Globo.jpg

Cloud Forest Habitat Bank - The Globe. Thames, Antioch.

  • TheCloud Forest Habitat Bank - The Globe It is the first in the world dedicated to conserving the native remnants of the High Andean Forest.

  • The Voluntary Biodiversity Credits may be acquired by both individuals and legal entities that want to make a positive and effective contribution to the conservation of threatened ecosystems and biodiversity in general.

  • Through ClimateTrade it will be possible to acquire Voluntary Biodiversity Credits from El Globo Habitat Bank, which are equivalent to 10m2 of the Cloud Forest conserved and/or restored for 30 years, where threatened species such as the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) live, which is in a “Vulnerable” state of conservation, and the Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) and the Crested Eagle (Spizaetus isidori), two species of birds that are  in danger.

Valencia and Medellín, May 20, 2022.On the occasion of World Biodiversity Day: ClimateTrade, the first climate marketplace that uses blockchain technology, and Terrasos, a leading company in Latin America in the development and operation of biodiversity conservation projects via Habitat Banks, join forces to promote conservation of highly threatened ecosystems through the innovative Voluntary Biodiversity Credits (CBV). The CBVs allow companies to achieve their decarbonization and digitalization objectives as well as their commitment to being "Nature Positive" companies and with an operation in harmony with biodiversity and ecosystems.

The recent UN Environment Adaptation Gap Report concludes that, although three-quarters of the countries have some plans to adapt to the climate and health emergency that we are experiencing, the financing and implementation of their actions are far below of what is required, even more so when there are no strong approaches to conserving nature and especially biodiversity. Currently less than 17% of the planet's natural areas are protected, and biodiversity is in global decline at a rate unprecedented in human history, as the rate of species extinction has accelerated over the past 50 years. years, being 1,000 times higher than the natural rate.

There are no longer excuses to protect biodiversity, even more so now that we are aware of the risk we have of suffering from zoonosis pandemics such as COVID-19. According to a Nature study, avoiding the pandemic would have been possible with a maximum investment of $31 Billion. The cost, only economic, without counting the terrible deaths, is up to $15 Trillion.


Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), one of the endangered species that is protected in the Cloud Forest Habitat Bank - El Globo, where it finds a healthy habitat to feed and reproduce.

Mallette, L. "Bear with Glasses" image. [Photo]. Recovered from: CC0 Public Domain

Similarly, not only conservation, but also the effective recovery of biodiversity, is urgent and mandatory to meet nature conservation objectives and international goals such as those set out in the 2030 Agenda and the Agreement on Paris, and it is even necessary to achieve an efficient, fair and inclusive post-COVID19 recovery.

Terrasos Habitat Banks

TheTerrasos Habitat Banks, driven by theIDB's Natural Capital Lab, are a Nature-Based Solution, through which quantifiable gains in biodiversity are generated, under a payment mechanism for environmental results, with which efficiency and quality of conservation actions are achieved. In addition, Habitat Banks contribute to local economic development and adaptation to climate change, which is why they are also considered a great tool for achieving resilience, in the face of the planetary crisis we are experiencing.

For its part, the DLT technology available to ClimateTrade will allow overcoming various conceptual and technical obstacles such as: the lack of consensus on how to deal with the peculiar intervention or responsibility to conserve nature between communities, NGOs, governments and companies; providing clarity on the rules under the Protocol for the Issuance of Voluntary Biodiversity Credits (Beta Version) developed within the framework of the programPartnership for Forestry(P4F), to overcome the lack of confidence after years where the almighty voluntary carbon market obtained financing to conserve very specific ecosystems, such as Forests.


Cloud Forest Habitat Bank - El Globo, a space that serves as a refuge for the spectacled bear, the yellow-eared parrot and the tayra. A place rich in water sources and strategic for the conservation of highly threatened Andean ecosystems.

TheProtocol for the Issuance of Voluntary Biodiversity CreditsPartnership for Forestry(Beta), is an open use document led by Terrasos, which seeks to promote exceptional conservation projects, providing criteria for their design and operation, as well as mechanisms for registration, quantification and issuance of Voluntary Biodiversity Credits (CBV), based on areas with a great ecological value, and that are sustainable and permanent.

TheCloud Forest Habitat Bank - The Globe, also called the Spectacled Bear Habitat Bank, is the first of its kind to issue Voluntary Biodiversity Credits, which are equivalent to 10m2 of Cloud Forest preserved and/or restored for thirty years. This ecosystem is prioritized as being of high interest for conservation as it provides important ecosystem services related to water regulation, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling. This particular conservation initiative has an extension of 345 hectares, which are home to more than 290 species 

of birds, 32 of herpes and 76 species of mammals; of which 71 are endemic and 20 are in some category of threat. In BH El Globo, more than 6 water sources are born that supply village aqueducts and municipal capitals, which are essential for regional development. This Habitat Bank is a water star, a great ecological corridor and an essential area for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

Measurable biodiversity gains

Whobuy a cbvYou will be giving back to nature and ensuring positive impacts for thirty years. The credits represent thirty years of demonstrable biodiversity gains from a conservation project. For this Habitat Bank,each CBV will have a value of 30USD and as mentioned above it would be equivalent to a 10m2 unit.

José Lindo, Co-founder and Director of Impact of ClimateTrade points out: “Biodiversity credits, which represent long-term initiatives, will be a gamechanger in the world of biodiversity conservation as they are really focused on generating lasting and permanent results, allowing companies to know, for example, the real cost of digitization, which exploits a lot of minerals and if it affects ecosystems and biodiversity”. In addition, he adds: "knowing with high integrity the additionality of conservation, will also generate confidence in impact investors, who will be able to provide funds to both SMEs and conservation NGOs."

Valentina Grisales

Technical Specialist

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